Us Philippines Visiting Forces Agreement

The US-Philippines Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) is a bilateral agreement that was signed in 1998 between the United States and the Republic of the Philippines. The agreement lays out the legal framework for the treatment of US military personnel who are stationed in the Philippines. In this article, we`ll delve deeper into what the VFA is, what its implications are, and why it`s been a topic of controversy in recent years.

What is the US-Philippines Visiting Forces Agreement?

The US-Philippines Visiting Forces Agreement is a treaty that outlines the terms and conditions under which US military personnel can be present in the Philippines. The agreement allows for joint military training exercises, exchange of military personnel, and other forms of military cooperation.

The VFA is part of a larger framework of defense agreements between the US and the Philippines. The agreement was signed in the wake of the closure of US military bases in the Philippines, which ended a long-standing US military presence in the country.

Implications of the VFA

The VFA has been a valuable tool for the US military in the region. It has allowed the US military to conduct joint military exercises and to maintain a presence in the Philippines, which has been of strategic importance in the region.

The agreement has also been beneficial to the Philippines. The VFA has allowed for increased military cooperation between the two countries, which has led to improved training and equipment for the Philippine Armed Forces. Additionally, the presence of the US military in the Philippines has helped to deter Chinese aggression in the South China Sea.

Controversy Surrounding the VFA

Despite its benefits, the VFA has been a topic of controversy in recent years. In 2020, the Philippine government announced that it was terminating the agreement. The announcement came in response to the US revoking the visa of a Philippine senator who is a close ally of President Duterte.

The decision to terminate the VFA was met with criticism from many, including military officials in both the US and the Philippines. The termination of the agreement would have had significant implications for the US military`s ability to operate in the region and for the Philippines` security.

However, the termination was later suspended, and the VFA remains in effect. The two countries have agreed to continue discussions on how to improve the agreement and address any concerns.


The US-Philippines Visiting Forces Agreement is a valuable treaty that has allowed for increased military cooperation between the US and the Philippines. While the agreement has been beneficial to both countries, it has also been the subject of controversy in recent years. Discussions will continue on how to improve the agreement and address any concerns going forward.